Living Jungle Chlorophyll

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Living Jungle Medi-Synergy ( LJMS ) Liquid Chlorophyll is obtained by alkaline hydrolysis of natural chlorophyll, a special strain of Mulberry leaves. LJMS Liquid Chlorophyll obtained from Mulberry leaves has been shown to be superior. Mulberry leaves is chosen because it contains 4 times the chlorophyll of other vegetables. Strengthens the heart’s function and improves vision. LJMS liquid chlorophyll is the first and only Life Energy Wave embedded liquid which can renew our cells resonance and give good blood flow. This is a special and safe technology with wave introduction without additional ingredients

Key Features :

  1. Alkalises Cleanses
  2. Oxygenate
  3. Rejuvenate
  4. Energising and Revitalising
  5. Halal

 Ingredients :

A special strain of Mulberry leaves, Purified water, Sodium Copper Chlorophyll, permitted food-grade preservative